by Pat
on Nov 5th, 2007


…they really suck.

In particular when I start listening to songs that remind me of lying under the stars in the middle of Australia… makes me wonder what the heck I’m doing now.

It’s perfectly possible for me to just sod off out to, say, NZ and just work in a hostel / for a tour operator… or who knows what else.

I mean, it wouldn’t really solve the big “Hmm, what do I really want to do in future?” question, but at least it’d be good fun and chilled.

Heheh, you know, it only seems to be Monday mornings where I start thinking like this. Not exactly productive, but hey that’s Monday mornings for ya ;-)

I might have a watch of this again to cheer me up.



P.S. Twas a top weekend this weekend – DJed George and Stef’s wedding reception over in Gloucester, which was hilarious fun! Congrats again you two :-D

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