by Squage
on Oct 21st, 2006

16 Days To Go…

…and Pat’s feeling a little too confused to blog.

You see, today Pat did a number of things:

  1. Sign Forms for Plane Tickets
    Despite not setting his alarm properly (hooray for “Repeat Alarm” mode, which only sounds the alarm from Monday-Friday) Pat just about made it to the travel agents to get stuff signed. All done… just need to wait for the tickets to arrive now!
  2. Buy a Ruck Sack and Jacket
    This was a strangely enjoyable affair given that it was shopping. Neil (him from “Being At Work With Pat” and “Going On A Trip Around The World Too Just In A Different Direction But Meeting Pat In Melbourne” fame) was on hand to advise Pat which products were best to grab.
    They went to the Snow and Rock store in Cov Garden and Pat ended up buying:

    Both were approximately £Lots. Pat said something about his credit card starting to get hot to touch…

  3. Have a Pizza Hut Meal for lunch
    This was goooooood.
  4. Go to Dave, Pauly and RTJs’ Ealing Flat O Fun
    Much fun was had, including the watching / listening to the commentary of the utterly, utterly excellent Dark Place (said in a Dr Sanchez voice, natch), enjoying some excellent banter and… ahem… a pizza. He’s got a short term memory, I think.
  5. Get a Camera For Free!
    Pauly G (below) is a legend, very kindly giving Pat his old camera as a replacement for his knackered one! Thank you :-D


“Hang on”, you might ask, “why has this left Pat confused?”… well it’s largely due to him watching the entire 13 episodes of this:


I don’t even want to start to try and explain it. Just look it up on Wikipedia. There’s about a gig of stuff on there about it… and there needs to be.

Pat keeps saying something about “It was all the dog’s fault” and talking about mushroom clouds and Paul Daniels. I’m guessing only those watching Paranoia Agent in Ealing will understand what on Earth that means.

Hopefully Pat’ll be in a fit state to blog tomorrow.

There’s a first time for everything, eh? ;-)



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