by Squage
on Oct 17th, 2006

20 Days To Go…

…and after a very dull day of working from home doing documentation, Pat wandered out into Chelmsford to meet Lev and Andrea for a Thai meal at a place called Lanthai. Apparently it wasn’t chosen because it started with LAN… although I suspect if Pat had had anything to do with it, that would’ve been the deciding factor.

Anyway, he’s been banging on about it since he’s got back – apparently it was very, very tasty and the waiters were very cheery (which makes a change in comparison to some places in Chelmsford). Heartily recommended if you’re up for a Thai meal in the Chelmsford area!

One warning though: this place may cause conversation to move from normal things to very surreal discussions about portals to a parallel universe in the restaurant toilets.

Amazingly, these discussions weren’t driven by Pat at all, who doesn’t seem to want to discuss the full details through fear of making his friends come across as FULLY MENTAL… ;-)

Anyway, apparently a very entertaining evening with Andrea and Lev.

“I can’t believe you’re going away to have fun for a year, you git” count for the night: ~100.

Lev Looking Impressed

Mr Wheller looking very pleased at Pat’s consistent mentioning of going away…



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