by Squage
on Oct 10th, 2006

27 Days To Go…

…and Pat’s definitely feeling the side effects of yesterday’s vaccinations.

He’s asked that I describe this to you, so as a picture tells a thousand words I thought this’d do:

Difficult for this text to do the picture justice, really

Unfortunately, in this case the thousand words are simply 500 instances of “Shit” and 500 instances of “Drawing”.

But hey, you try better with M$Paint and a laptop touchpad (actually, don’t, as the world does not need any more drawings of a similar calibre)!

Pat was, however, rather pleased when this arrived in the post:

Paranoia Agent!!1one

After watching a couple of episodes with him, I’m not entirely sure it’s the sort of thing you need to see when you’re feeling rather spaced out, groggy and tired. It is ACE however, and if you’re into your Anime you MUST buy it.

Right, oddly I’m feeling the same spaced out effects as Pat (funny that) so I’m gonna bid you adieu.

Til tomorrow,


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